Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil

What is Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil?

Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil is Certified Sustainable Palm Oil which is segregated from non-certified oil at every stage of the supply chain.

Where can I get Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil?

MOI Foods can supply Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil. The Mewah Group currently has two facilities which are certified to produce Segregated Sustainable Palm oil under the stringent requirements of the RSPO. MOI can order Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil from our facilities now. A minimum run of 2000 metric tonne is required when you order Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil.

What claims can I make?

If you purchase MOI brand product which is RSPO certified Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil you can make the statement that you use Segregated Sustainable Palm Oil in the production of you product. If you are an RSPO member you can display the RSPO logo with a claim that this product contains RSPO certified Sustainable Palm Oil. For example “XYZ Brand contains only RSPO certified Sustainable Palm Oil”. If you are not an RSPO member no on pack claim can be made. If the company you pack product for is an RSPO member they can display the RSPO logo with a claim that this product contains RSPO certified Sustainable Palm Oil. If the company you pack for is not an RSPO member no on pack claim can be made.

For more information please refer to the RSPO website: